
Teen Dating and Having Sex:

Teen Dating and Having Sex

Blog, Sex Ed
Dating when you’re a teen can be an uncomfortable, unfamiliar territory for many. However, it is an important part of any teenager’s development. Being a teen is all about developing…
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Cope with Acceptance Letter Stress
Cope with Acceptance Letter Stress

Cope with College Letter Stress

Cope with College Letter Stress It’s almost that time of year where your teen is waiting for those college decisions to come back. This moment of anticipation is one of…
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3 Myths About Autism- Debunked!

3 Myths About Autism- Debunked!

3 Myths About Autism- Debunked! There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about Autism. These myths can oftentimes be harmful and hurtful to those close to Autistic people .…
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Does my kid have ADHD?

Does my kid have ADHD?

What is ADHD? ADHD, or Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. Children with ADHD have trouble focusing, controlling impulsive behaviors, and more.…
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My Body is A Vessel

My body is a vessel.  It will carry me through this life.  I will take care of it to the best of my ability.  I will respect it.  I will…
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A Male Therapist.


When my daughter first started Kindergarten, we waited anxiously to find out who her teacher would be.  Our school kept us in anticipation as they didn’t post the classroom assignments until the night before class started.  Considering a busy life and the excitement and importance of a good night of sleep, our family made the decision to just wait until the morning of school.  Afterall, we love the school and went thro […]

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Affirmative Consent & Safe Sex


​Safe Sex: Not Just About STDs and Pregnancy Anymore.By:  Ingrid Higgins, LMFT Teens have been taught about safe sex practices for decades.  Most teens are knowledgeable enough to know that you need to use protection to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or STD.  However, in today’s day and age, that information is not enough to truly practice “safe sex”.  The issue of consent to engage in sexual activity as a college student is a topic that is now […]

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Life After an Older Sibling Goes Off to College


Stephanie Chase, MFT InternAuthor Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. With the buzz of graduation season already underway, families are beginning to contemplate the changes that are about to happen in their families. Much has been written about the effect this transition has on the parents and the adolescent leaving, but what do we know about the siblings who are left behind? In the months leading up to the launch, they experience the effects of the preparatio […]

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