Risks of Teens and Drinking
Taking Care of Teens & Your Parents
Family Based Treatment: just one more bite to save your child’s life
Teen Dating and Having Sex
Cope with College Letter Stress
3 Myths About Autism- Debunked!
My Body is A Vessel
Campbell Teen & Family Therapy Services
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; a Specialized Field
A Male Therapist.
When my daughter first started Kindergarten, we waited anxiously to find out who her teacher would be. Our school kept us in anticipation as they didn’t post the classroom assignments until the night before class started. Considering a busy life and the excitement and importance of a good night of sleep, our family made the decision to just wait until the morning of school. Afterall, we love the school and went thro […]
Affirmative Consent & Safe Sex
Safe Sex: Not Just About STDs and Pregnancy Anymore.By: Ingrid Higgins, LMFT Teens have been taught about safe sex practices for decades. Most teens are knowledgeable enough to know that you need to use protection to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or STD. However, in today’s day and age, that information is not enough to truly practice “safe sex”. The issue of consent to engage in sexual activity as a college student is a topic that is now […]