Wellness Program

  • Do you think that your teen needs more than just once a week therapy?
  • Are you on the wait list for an IOP?
  • Is your teen coming back from residential care and in need of after care and support reintegrating back home?
  • Do you want a more holistic approach to therapy?​
  • Are you worried that if your teen doesn’t get help they will end up in residential care?
wellness program

Call now to see if The Wellness Program is right for you

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Wellness Program might be right for your family! Call (408) 628-0532 or email admin@campbellteenfamilytherapy.com.

Wellness Program Details

Campbell Teen & Family Therapy (CTFT) is dedicated to providing services that address the whole child. We believe that in order to maintain good mental health you need to have a strong foundation. That foundation is composed of what I like to call, the Three Pillars; adequate sleep, adequate nutrition and adequate body movement. We believe in the mind body connection, in order to overcome difficult mental illness you need to have the three pillars in place. We have found that parents are often in the best position to help their teens and are thus incorporated into this unique program and that looks at the mind and the body and the family.

Our Wellness Program is intended to support the teen and their family in navigating challenging times in their lives. Our goal is to bridge the gap between patients who are not progressing with once a week therapy but do not meet the criteria for an Intensive Out Patient Program (IOP). Early intervention at an appropriate level supports teens in staying in school or college rather than the interruption an IOP, PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) or residential treatment program can cause. We want families to have the skills needed to support their teens, tweens and young adults through the roughest of times. Additionally, we want to build community support, reduce isolation and the stigma of mental illness.

The Wellness Program also addresses the needs of adolescents returning home from residential care. It can be difficult to reintegrate into the environment that is the same as pre treatment while the adolescent has gone through many changes. We support the family in how to balance the new skills learned in treatment within the home.

Components of The Wellness Program

Individual therapy

Chose from one of our highly qualified therapists with specialties designed to meet the needs of their patients. CTFT offers several different therapy modalities in order to provide individualized treatment.

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
  • Art Therapy, Play Therapy
  • DBT (Dialectic Behavior Therapy)
  • ERP (Exposure Response Prevention Therapy)
  • EMD (Eye Movement Desensitization)
  • Family Systems
  • Mindfulness Training
  • FBT (Family Based Therapy)

Family Therapy

At CTFT we believe that parent involvement in therapy is crucial to a successful outcome. We will work with parents and families to restore balance so families can thrive. Family therapy can range from everyone in the family attending to parent/child, siblings or to just parents attending depending on the needs of the family. Sibling support can be vital if one child has high needs that take up the attention in the family.

Parent Education

Parenting is hard! We want to help you with the challenges that raising a teen can throw at you. At CTFT we do not believe that parenting is a one size fits all. We have eclectic styles as we found that teens are not all the same. As the owner of the practice, I am a certified Positive Discipline Educator, this is what I was trained in. However as many of you seasoned parents know, book knowledge is different than life experience. What works for one of my children doesn’t necessarily work for the other. Having studied many different theories, I personally draw from whatever works for me. The main principals I rely on are consistency and empathy. I wanted my practice to help parents realize they don’t have to be perfect, it’s ok to make mistakes and you don’t have to treat your children exactly the same. In therapy, my therapists and I support parents in raising their kid in a style that fits their personalities. We are knowledgeable in Love and Logic, Attachment Parenting, Mindful Parenting and pull techniques to design a plan that parents can implement. Knowing more than one style means that we try it out, we measure the outcome and then tweak it to ensure good results!

Nutrition Therapy

Teens believe they are invincible and they can eat anything they want or skip meals. Parents sometimes fall in to that mentality also, thinking, “they’re teens, they can handle it! This is the time in life where they can skip a meal and get away with eating anything!” We know that nutrition has a direct impact on mood and brain development. Working with teens and their families to see how, what, when and where they eat affects them is a hard task at best! That is where our wonderful team of dietitians comes in. They can get into the nitty gritty details of what you eat, how it affects you and what emotions make you eat certain foods. They are trained in intuitive eating and can help teens reconnect with their childhood ability to listen to their bodies and what they need and respond accordingly. At CTFT we look at the whole person. We believe in strengthening the mind body connection. We partnered with Bay Area Nutrition, LLC to provide dietitians to meet with and assess the impact of nutrition on mental health and to develop a user friendly and cohesive plan for those with eating disorders and other mental health illness. We recognize the impact of nutrition on developing minds and bodies and its role in healing the whole person.

Psychiatry (as needed)

Medication is not for everyone. We live and work in a diverse community and want to respect all beliefs surrounding medication. Prior to a referral to a Psychiatrist we always recommend teens start with their Primary Care Physician. A simple blood test can tell if their hormone or vitamin status is optimal for mental health and development. If the results are negative, there is a family history of mental illness, and/or they are not responding to therapy alone, then medication may be necessary. We are aware of the risks and contraindications involved in adolescent medication and we do not take this decision lightly. There are tests available (www.genesite.com) that can determine what medications will work best for your teen’s body and brain. This is not as scary as it used to be. We are proud to have good relationships with psychiatrists in the community who can provide a full psychiatric assessment to determine if medication is right for your adolescent. If it is determined to be helpful, they will provide medication monitoring to reduce side effects and safely reach a therapeutic dosage and collaborate with us to form an ideal treatment plan.

Medical Support

In order to treat the whole child we believe that a medical evaluation is vital. For some disorders, such as eating disorders, anxiety, depression or school refusal it is essential. We have good working relationships with many physicians in the area and communicate with the entire treatment team in order to ensure your teen is healthy both mentally and physically.

Group Therapy

The power of group therapy is incredible. It helps to break down isolation, shame, guilt, loneliness and fosters good social skills and peer support. We offer a variety of groups and will take the patients’ individual needs into consideration when finding the right group fit for them.

Movement Therapy

In order to treat the whole person physical activity is critical. We will work with the patient and their doctors to determine what level of physical activity is right for them. We will provide walking groups to get kids moving and increase motivation. We will refer to personal trainers as needed. Mindfulness Training: Stress is a part of life that cannot be escaped. We work with teens and their families to learn how to reduce stress but more importantly, how to manage stress. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is proven to relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, chronic pain and stress.

Community Involvement

If we don’t have it, we will help you find it. We have worked hard to develop good community relationships and are able to refer to a variety of services that support mental health and are dedicated in finding the right services for you.


Progress is important. We are committed to giving families progress reports that will show where the patient is in treatment every 4 weeks. We use several measuring scales to ensure that the services we provide are both qualitative and quantifiable. We do not want to waste your time or money and believe in providing feedback to ensure that this program works for you.

Weekly Care Conferences

One thing that sets the MIP apart from other programs is our commitment to good communication. Communication is a vital aspect of a successful response to treatment. One of the problems we often run into is that the providers do not communicate important information affecting treatment. Our program staff are committed to sharing communication after every session and having a weekly treatment team meeting to ensure that all providers are on the same page.

Is The Wellness Program for me?

The Wellness Program is designed for the needs of teens struggling with :

Eating Disorders
Social Anxiety
School Refusal

Call now to see if The Wellness Program is right for you

Call (408) 628-0532 or email admin@campbellteenfamilytherapy.com to schedule your free consultation to see if a Wellness Program is right for your family!

Our Partnership

Bay Area NutritionCTFT has partnered with Bay Area Nutrition, LLC in order to provide a holistic approach to mental health for families in the city of Campbell and surrounding areas.

Visit Bay Area Nutrition Website