Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

  • Did you know you have the rights to an independent educational evaluation?
  • Do you feel that your current IEP or 504 plan doesn’t offer the needed accommodations?
  • Did your school evaluation not find evidence of a disability but you disagree?
  • Are you in disagreement with your school district’s special education evaluation and have obtained permission from the district for an Independent Educational Evaluation at the district’s expense?
independent educational evaluation

Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then an IEE could be right for you. An independent educational evaluation (IEE) is an evaluation of a student by a qualified professional who does not work for a school district responsible for the education of the child.

This evaluation generally takes 25 hours from start to finish, to include interviews, observations, records review, testing, scoring and analysis, a feedback session individually with the parent, and then a school meeting to share the results with the IEP team.

Testing Process: What’s Included

  • $500 deposit collected
  • Intake forms completed
  • Upload of previous evaluations or helpful records
  • Virtual intake scheduled with psychologist (if for a child, parents only) to review presenting concerns and answer questions.

Ready to get started?

Contact our office with your district’s approval statement in order to secure a comprehensive evaluation that looks at your child from both the educational and neuropsychological lens. Call (408) 628-0532  or Text (408) 628-0532 now to schedule your IEE! Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. (CTFT) is proud to provide services for Campbell, San Jose and the entire Bay Area!
