Does your teen spend more time in their room then you think is normal?
Has your teen began to isolate?
Has your teen quit activities that they used to really enjoy?
Do you worry that your teen is depressed?
Does your teen seem to be irritable/angry all of the time?
Teen Depression

Teen Depression Therapy
If you answered yes to any of these questions, your teen may be suffering from depression. Depression in teens doesn’t always present as a sad mood, it can be an irritable/angry mood that never seems to go away. According to the CDC in 2012, depression was diagnosed in 3.2% of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 1.9 million). Depression can affect social life, family life and academic ability.
At Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. we are here to help. If you suspect that your teen has depression, call now (408) 628-0532 to schedule an evaluation. Our team of therapist are all experts in teen depression. We have an eclectic approach, our therapist are trained in many different theories so that we can tailor a treatment plan specifically to the needs of your teen!