Are you interested in private practice but don’t know where to start?
Are you eager to learn EMDR?
Are you in private practice and tired of working alone and want to be part of a team?
Are you in private practice and tired of marketing & book keeping? Just want to see clients and go home? Feel like you need an assistant?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this job may be for you!
Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. is pleased to announce that due to our growth we are in need of another therapist to join our team! In fact our rate of growth is so fast due to the demand the mental health crisis has created that we are always hiring! Benefits to becoming part of the CTFT team
- The ability to refer your client’s siblings or parents in house so collaboration is easier.
- The flexibility to have both individual and family therapy under one roof without feeling like you have to take it all on.
- Consultation, friendships, team work and stress relief!
- An assistant to provide file support, website support, send out your Superbills, schedule your appointments, do intake calls.
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) training.
- $300 stipend for CUE (Continuing Education Units) every year!
- 401 K
- Medical stipend
- Learn how to run your own private practice!