Testing & Evaluations

At Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. we strive to help our patients get the most out of their education.

We recognize that education is essential to thriving in this world. However, education isn’t easy for all students. Here is a list of the assessments we provide to support you and your child better understand their needs:


Mental health is not the only issue that affects learning abilities.

Students suffering from mental health issues may not be able to fully benefit from the education they are receiving. Anxiety, PTSD, lack of sleep and depression make it difficult to concentrate; eating disorders affect the brain’s ability to process information and to learn; high emotional intensity means that the pre-frontal cortex (which plays a central role in regulating cognitive control functions) may not be properly engaged.

Learning disorders can also affect your child or teen from benefiting from education. Sometimes these are difficult to detect. I think of a recent patient who was NOT diagnosed with learning disabilities until their senior year in High School! They always knew something was wrong, but were well behaved and got decent grades, so they flew under the radar.

At CTFT we not only look at your child’s mental health, but also your child’s ability to benefit from education. Our therapists are all trained to assess for educational needs during an intake and have been able to advocate for and support students and families in getting accommodations, if needed, and while dealing with mental health. We look out for warning signs of a learning disorder and refer promptly to educational testing as needed.

However, the wait lists are long and the educational psychologist’s testing abilities are impacted. Communication between different entities such as the psychologist, school and therapist can be difficult. We wanted to do better and are pleased to announce that we now offer educational and neurodevelopmental testing as part of our services!

CTFT now offers comprehensive evaluations for education under our roof, making CTFT a one stop place for the mental health and educational needs of your children and teens! We are pleased to announce that Darlene de Sousa, educational psychologist is our newest staff member, dedicated to the needs of our CTFT patients and of our community.

Do not miss this rare opportunity to get testing done quickly without the wait!

Call (408) 628-0532 , text (408) 628-0532 or email Admin@campbellteenfamilytherapy.com now to schedule an educational assessment for your child or teen! Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. (CTFT) is proud to provide services for Campbell, San Jose and the entire Bay Area!

The following are a list of assessments that CTFT now offers:

Educational Neuropsychological Evaluation

If your concerns extend beyond the question of whether or not your child has a learning disability and you want to learn about their gifts, strengths, and cognitive profile, then the educational neuropsychological evaluation will provide you with the information you need to leverage their strengths, remediate weaknesses, and to develop a treatment plan for any potential disorders or skill deficits related to learning and cognitive processing.

ADHD Evaluation

This evaluation culminates in a written report and feedback session that confirms the presence of the diagnosis or that provides evidence of other possible indicators for the challenges being experienced with recommendations for further testing and supports.

Autism Evaluation

This evaluation culminates in a written report and feedback session that confirms the presence of the diagnosis or that provides evidence of other possible indicators for the challenges being experienced with recommendations for further testing and supports.

Independent Educational Evaluation

An independent educational evaluation (IEE) is an evaluation of a student by a qualified professional who does not work for a school district responsible for the education of the child.

IQ testing

An IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test is an individually administered, standardized assessment that measures the western world’s construct of intelligence, which is based on problem solving ability and reasoning.

At Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. we strive to help our patients get the most out of their education.

We recognize that education is essential to thriving in this world. However, education isn’t easy for all students.

Students suffering from mental health issues may not be able to fully benefit from the education they are receiving. Anxiety, PTSD, lack of sleep and depression make it difficult to concentrate; eating disorders affect the brain’s ability to process information and to learn; high emotional intensity means that the pre-frontal cortex (which plays a central role in regulating cognitive control functions) may not be properly engaged.

At Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. we strive to help our patients get the most out of their education.

We recognize that education is essential to thriving in this world. However, education isn’t easy for all students.

Students suffering from mental health issues may not be able to fully benefit from the education they are receiving. Anxiety, PTSD, lack of sleep and depression make it difficult to concentrate; eating disorders affect the brain’s ability to process information and to learn; high emotional intensity means that the pre-frontal cortex (which plays a central role in regulating cognitive control functions) may not be properly engaged.