Blog Archives - Campbell Teen & Family Therapy Fri, 05 Apr 2024 21:00:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Archives - Campbell Teen & Family Therapy 32 32 Should I Allow My Teen to Drink Over Spring Break? A Parent’s Guide to Making Informed Decisions Fri, 05 Apr 2024 20:56:10 +0000 As spring break approaches, teens look forward to a well-deserved break from school. Some will travel, some will hang out with friends, and some just want to catch up on sleep. Spring break has a reputation for partying, and as parents, you may wonder, is your teen ready for the pressures of drinking? The reality...

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As spring break approaches, teens look forward to a well-deserved break from school. Some will travel, some will hang out with friends, and some just want to catch up on sleep. Spring break has a reputation for partying, and as parents, you may wonder, is your teen ready for the pressures of drinking? The reality is that some teens will ask for permission while others may quietly engage in risky behaviors. The topic of teenage drinking can be complex and nuanced, so it is important to have a plan for how you want to broach the subject with your child. You want the door to remain open for conversation instead of your child feeling the need to go behind your back. But what if you don’t want them to consume alcohol? In this blog, we explore the factors that parents should weigh when deciding whether to permit their teen to drink over spring break, offering guidance on making informed decisions that prioritize their child’s well-being.


Understanding the Risks:

Teenage drinking poses various risks to adolescents’ health, safety, and development. If alcoholism runs in your family, education about this disease is crucial for your teen to truly make an informed decision. Alcohol consumption can impair judgment, increase the likelihood of risky behaviors, and lead to accidents or dangerous situations. Parents should be aware of the potential consequences of underage drinking, including legal issues, alcohol poisoning, impaired decision-making, sexual assault, and decreased academic performance. While it can be frightening to imagine our children in any of these situations, these are potential challenges they may encounter as they grow up and are exposed to new things. It is easier to manage this while they are still living at home than to have them face this for the first time when they are away at college.

Open Communication:

Teen drinking can be a taboo subject and difficult to talk about; however, effective communication is key when discussing the topic of alcohol consumption with teenagers. Parents should create a safe and non-judgmental space for their teen to voice their thoughts, feelings, and concerns about drinking over spring break. Engaging in open dialogue allows parents to understand their teenager’s perspective, clarify expectations, and reinforce the importance of responsible decision-making when it comes to alcohol. It is sometimes necessary to bite your tongue when your teen opens up to you, even if you disagree, because that will allow them to feel safe and heard. Listen first and then use curiosity questions to continue the conversation rather than lecturing or inserting your opinion too soon. This will keep the door open for communication and decrease the likelihood of them drinking behind your back.

Setting Clear Expectations:

When making the decision about how you will respond if your teen expresses an interest in drinking over spring break, you might want to think about the following discussion points. If you decide you want to allow your child to drink, what would your expectations be? Has your teen proven that they are trustworthy? And how will the impact of alcohol affect their ability to meet previously agreed-upon terms? Establishing clear boundaries and expectations around alcohol consumption is essential for guiding teenage behavior over spring break. Parents should communicate their stance on underage drinking, outline consequences for violating rules, and empower their teen to make informed choices. Therefore, setting expectations that prioritize safety, respect, and responsible behavior can help teenagers navigate social situations involving alcohol with mindfulness and caution. As hard as it is, it is far better that they are getting information from their parents rather than social media and peers. Education about safe alcohol consumption needs to be a topic that all parents of teens engage in.


Risk Reduction Strategies:

Consider things that you would want your teen to know about alcohol consumption before they leave for college. The following are some curiosity questions to ask your teen when having this discussion:

– How do you know what your tolerance for alcohol is?

– How can you moderate your drinking?

– What will you do at a party if you don’t drink and your friends are?

– How will you get home safely? Who will be the designated driver?

– What do you think the dangers of underage drinking are?

– How will you protect yourself from making decisions while under the influence that you might regret the next day?

– What about sex? How will you handle it if you find yourself in a situation of possibly engaging in sexual activity?

– What do you know about consent and the difficulty of making a good decision for consent when under the influence?

– What sort of communication should we have when you are out? Will you reach out to me if you need help?

– How trustworthy and responsible do you think your friends are?

– Do you trust your friend group to look out for one another and stop someone from engaging in risky behaviors?

– What will you do if one of you drinks too much?


Modeling Responsible Behavior:

Parents play a pivotal role in modeling responsible attitudes and behaviors around alcohol for their teenager. It is important that, as parents, we show them how to best engage with substances through our own actions. Whether it is demonstrating how to say no or modeling what it looks like to set boundaries with friends, your approach will be noticed by your young kids and your teens. By demonstrating healthy attitudes towards drinking, engaging in open conversations about alcohol, and showcasing responsible decision-making, parents can empower their teen to make informed choices and develop a positive relationship with alcohol that prioritizes safety and well-being.

Moral of the story:

The most important things in the decision of when and how to expose your child to alcohol are communication and trust. If you have these two baseline pillars, you can work out any problem that comes up. The decision of whether to allow a teenager to drink over spring break is a personal and individual choice that should be guided by a consideration of all the various factors. By engaging in thoughtful discussions, setting boundaries that prioritize safety, and fostering a culture of responsibility around alcohol, parents can support their teenager in making informed decisions that promote well-being, safety, and healthy relationships during this period of relaxation and celebration.


While we as therapists cannot make the decision for you, we are more than happy to provide a space for the discussion. It is important that you make an informed decision about what is best for your teen and your family, especially if alcoholism runs in your family. If you are in search of guidance through this decision process, please do not hesitate to reach out. Call (408) 628-0532 to book an appointment today!

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Healing Transgenerational Trauma Wed, 27 Mar 2024 20:52:33 +0000 Transgenerational trauma, also known as generational trauma, is a complex phenomenon that can have a profound impact on individuals and families. It refers to the emotional and psychological effects of traumatic experiences that are passed down from one generation to the next, shaping the way individuals perceive and respond to the world around them. As...

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Transgenerational trauma, also known as generational trauma, is a complex phenomenon that can have a profound impact on individuals and families. It refers to the emotional and psychological effects of traumatic experiences that are passed down from one generation to the next, shaping the way individuals perceive and respond to the world around them.

As mental health professionals, it is crucial for us to understand the mechanisms of transgenerational trauma and the ways in which it can manifest in our clients’ lives. By recognizing the patterns of inherited trauma and unpacking the underlying causes, we can help individuals break free from destructive cycles and pave the way for healing and growth.

Individuals who have experienced transgenerational trauma may find themselves trapped in repeating patterns that mirror those of their ancestors, despite their best efforts to move forward. This can create a sense of helplessness and a fear that their children will also be burdened by the pain and suffering of the past.

Transgenerational trauma can have a significant impact on children and teens, affecting their development, behavior, and emotional well-being. Some common symptoms of transgenerational trauma in children and teens include:

  1. Behavioral issues: Children and teens may exhibit challenging behaviors such as aggression, defiance, acting out, or withdrawal as a way to cope with the effects of inherited trauma.
  2. Emotional dysregulation: Children and teens may struggle to regulate their emotions, experiencing mood swings, heightened anxiety, depression, or feelings of overwhelm in response to triggers related to transgenerational trauma.
  3. Difficulty forming attachments: Children and teens affected by transgenerational trauma may have challenges in forming secure attachments with caregivers or peers, leading to difficulties in forming trusting relationships.
  4. Academic struggles: Transgenerational trauma can impact children and teens’ ability to focus, concentrate, and perform academically, resulting in challenges at school or difficulties in learning.
  5. Physical symptoms: Children and teens may experience physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, sleep disturbances, or other psychosomatic complaints that are linked to the stress and emotional distress of transgenerational trauma.
  6. Heightened stress response: Children and teens may exhibit a heightened stress response, reacting strongly to perceived threats or triggers related to the trauma experienced by their ancestors.
  7. Self-esteem issues: Transgenerational trauma can impact children’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth, leading to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or a negative self-image.
  8. Avoidance behaviors: Children and teens may engage in avoidance behaviors to cope with feelings of distress or discomfort related to transgenerational trauma, such as avoiding certain topics, situations, or memories.
  9. Difficulty regulating impulses: Children and teens may struggle with impulse control, engaging in risky behaviors, substance use, or self-harming behaviors as a way to cope with the effects of inherited trauma.


It is essential for caregivers, educators, and mental health professionals to be aware of the symptoms of transgenerational trauma in children and teens and to provide appropriate support, intervention, and therapy to help them heal and build resilience. Early intervention and trauma-informed care can make a significant difference in the well-being and long-term outcomes of children and teens affected by transgenerational trauma.

In the journey to break the cycle of transgenerational trauma, individuals must first focus on their own healing and personal growth. Through therapy modalities like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) Therapy, the entire family can confront maladaptive belief systems, reshape their self-worth, and begin to unravel the legacy of trauma that has been passed down through generations.

Parents who recognize these patterns within their families play a critical role in breaking the cycle of trauma for future generations. By addressing their own unresolved issues, modeling healthy behaviors, and fostering open communication with their children, parents can empower their families to create a new legacy of strength and resilience.

The journey to healing transgenerational trauma begins with self-awareness and a willingness to challenge ingrained belief systems. As mental health professionals, we have the opportunity to guide individuals towards a path of healing, empowerment, and resilience. Remember, the power to break the cycle of transgenerational trauma lies within each of us.


At Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, we treat the entire family, not just the teens! If you worry that transgenerational trauma has affected you as a parent and your kids, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our collaborative team of therapists allows us to offer therapy to the entire family.  Parents are in a unique position to help their children heal and any work they do to help themselves will allow them to better support their teens. At CTFT we collaborate with other therapists alternating individual talk therapy with their current therapist and EMDR therapy with an EMDR trained therapist. After all, growth and progress is a group effort!

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Navigation Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) Fri, 01 Mar 2024 19:47:43 +0000 More Than Mere Winter Blues We are finally reaching the final stretch of the winter months! You may be feeling the negative effects of the weather changing, and you may be wishing away those gray clouds. If you find yourself experiencing heightened feelings of sadness or anxiety during the darker months, you’re not alone. Welcome...

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More Than Mere Winter Blues

We are finally reaching the final stretch of the winter months! You may be feeling the negative effects of the weather changing, and you may be wishing away those gray clouds. If you find yourself experiencing heightened feelings of sadness or anxiety during the darker months, you’re not alone. Welcome to the realm of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a clinically recognized mood disorder that affects many individuals.

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder: Delving Deeper

Seasonal Affective Disorder, commonly referred to as SAD, transcends mere winter blues, representing a significant disruption in mood triggered by seasonal changes, notably during fall and winter. The reduction in sunlight exposure disrupts our circadian rhythm, often resulting in symptoms of depression and lethargy. While the cold weather may feel “cute and cozy” at first, several months of early sunsets and low temperatures can have a significant toll on our mental well-being. 

Illuminating Solutions: Light Therapy and Vitamin D

For those resonating with the somber atmosphere accompanying seasonal shifts, hope shines bright in the form of light therapy. Utilizing light boxes, readily available online, mimics the effects of natural sunlight and has shown remarkable efficacy in alleviating symptoms associated with SAD. It can also be effective to find a sunlight lamp or alarm clock so that you are awoken by imitation sunlight instead of a blaring cellphone ringtone.

Additionally, it is worthwhile to explore potential underlying factors. Limited exposure to sunlight may contribute to vitamin D deficiencies, which can exacerbate symptoms of SAD. It can be as simple as getting outside during daylight hours and going for a walk or in some cases your doctor might recommend taking a supplement.. Making this a habit will allow you to get in a routine that serves your overall health. Getting sufficient sunlight exposure during the day will also contribute positively to your overall sleep quality, which will likely be beneficial in alleviating feelings of fatigue.

Especially as the sun starts to set a bit later, make sure to get outside for daily nature breaks. You can take a stroll around your neighborhood or just sit on the patio. The most important thing is to get that sunlight exposure during the day. This helps with hormonal regulation and it is crucial for healthy sleep at night. 

You’re Not Alone

Dealing with seasonal depression can feel incredibly isolating, but remember that you are not alone in this. Even when it seems like the world is dimming around you, there are people who care about you and want to support you through this challenging time. It can be tough to find the light in the midst of darkness, but it’s okay to take things one day at a time. You don’t have to tackle everything all at once. Sometimes, just getting through the day is an accomplishment worth celebrating.

Seeking Support for S.A.D.

Recognizing the impact of SAD on mental health underscores the importance of seeking support. Whether confiding in trusted individuals or seeking professional guidance, acknowledging and addressing your mental health needs is a proactive step towards well-being.

Prioritizing mental wellness is paramount. Should seasonal shifts significantly impair daily functioning, seeking professional assistance is crucial. Collaborating with a qualified healthcare provider enables tailored interventions to effectively manage symptoms and improve overall quality of life. Embrace the medical recognition of seasonal influences, explore evidence-based solutions, and proactively seek support. Remember, brighter days lie ahead, and with informed strategies, you can navigate through the darkness towards a brighter and more resilient future.

Should you or your child need support with navigating the changing seasons, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our wonderful team will be more than happy to assist you. Call us at (408)628-0532 or email with inquiries.

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College Acceptance, Rejection, and Decisions, OH MY! Thu, 01 Feb 2024 14:43:44 +0000 As parents, caregivers and professionals working with teens, the moment we have been waiting for is upon us!  As we stand at the intersection of ambition and opportunity, the college admissions season unfolds, bringing with it a whirlwind of emotions for students eagerly awaiting the fate of their applications. It’s a time marked by anticipation,...

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As parents, caregivers and professionals working with teens, the moment we have been waiting for is upon us!  As we stand at the intersection of ambition and opportunity, the college admissions season unfolds, bringing with it a whirlwind of emotions for students eagerly awaiting the fate of their applications. It’s a time marked by anticipation, excitement, and the occasional sting of disappointment. In recognition of the complexities surrounding these pivotal moments, we’d like to share some valuable insights that can serve as a compass for navigating the highs of acceptances, the lows of rejections and the decisions that come as a result.

For any teen and their loved ones, receiving a rejection from their dream college can undoubtedly be disheartening, and it’s completely normal to feel a range of emotions. Teens may question, what was it all for?  I just spent 13 years of my life preparing for this moment to have the dream crushed just as it was within reach.  We want to remind you that this moment does not define your teen’s worth or their future. There are countless paths to success, and sometimes the journey takes unexpected turns.

For every student, this journey is a transformative chapter that extends beyond the confines of a single admission decision. It’s an odyssey of self-discovery, resilience-building, and a testament to the unique tapestry of each individual’s academic and personal narrative. As you navigate this period of reflection, allow yourself to feel and remember to consider all your options.


As we delve into the nuances of this collegiate roller coaster, let’s explore some key ideas that can guide students through the maze of emotions:

1. Celebrating Acceptances:

Embrace the Joy: Beyond the celebratory confetti of an acceptance letter lies a tapestry of hard work and dedication. Take a moment to bask in the glow of this achievement, sharing the news with those who have supported you. This is not just a college acceptance; it’s a recognition of your journey and potential.

2. Handling Rejection:

Allowing Grief: A rejection may feel like a roadblock, but it is merely a detour in the grand adventure of life. Allow your teen the space to grieve, acknowledging the disappointment while realizing that their worth and potential extend far beyond any rejection letter. This setback is a stepping stone to resilience and future successes.

3. Seeking Support:

Connecting with Others: No journey is meant to be walked alone. Reach out to friends, family, and mentors for a supportive embrace. Share your experiences, fears, and triumphs, creating a network that stands with you through every twist and turn. In shared stories, you’ll find strength.

4. Shifting Perspectives:

Broadening the View: The prestige of a college doesn’t define your teen’s journey. In the vast landscape of higher education, unexpected opportunities may arise from rejections, leading to personal and academic growth. Embrace the potential of every path and recognize that success is not confined to a particular institution.

5. Building Resilience:

Learning from Adversity: The college admissions process is more than a series of application submissions; it’s a profound life experience. Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Every challenge encountered now lays the foundation for future endeavors, nurturing resilience and fortitude.


As our students embark on this transformative journey, let these insights be a guiding light—a source of wisdom and encouragement. Remember, this is not just a college admissions season; it’s a chapter in the grand narrative of personal and academic growth.

If you or any teen and their family you have contact with need help navigating the difficult decisions about college attendance, our team of amazing therapists who dedicate their career to helping teens and their families is here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out for extra support in making these difficult decisions, you are not alone and at CTFT we believe that it takes a village and are honored to be a part of your village.  

Call now (408) 628-0532 to schedule an assessment to see if therapy is right for your teen.

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5 Game-Changing New Year’s Resolutions Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:01:29 +0000 New Year’s resolutions – we’ve all made them, and let’s be honest, we’ve all broken them. But this year, how about we shake things up a bit? Instead of the usual suspects like hitting the gym or cutting out junk food, let’s focus on resolutions that nourish our souls and enrich our lives in more...

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New Year’s resolutions – we’ve all made them, and let’s be honest, we’ve all broken them. But this year, how about we shake things up a bit? Instead of the usual suspects like hitting the gym or cutting out junk food, let’s focus on resolutions that nourish our souls and enrich our lives in more meaningful ways. This can be creating a new habit, giving back in some way to your community, giving more time to your relationships, or just taking time to reflect on all that you have. Here are 5 game-changing New Year’s Resolutions for the year ahead.

1. Establish a Nighttime Routine

First up, let’s talk about sleep. We all know it’s important, but do we give it the priority it deserves? Establishing a nighttime routine is more than just hitting the sack early. It’s about creating a ritual that helps your body and mind wind down. Imagine turning off your gadgets an hour before bedtime, maybe sipping some calming herbal tea, and diving into a good book. It’s about signaling to yourself that the day is done, and it’s time to recharge. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much better this one of our 5 game-changing New Year’s Resolutions leaves you feeling the following morning. 

2. Give Back to Your Community

Next on the list is giving back to the community. It’s easy to get caught up in our own lives, but there’s something incredibly fulfilling about making a difference in someone else’s. This could be anything from volunteering at a local shelter to helping out at community events. The beauty of this resolution? You not only contribute to the betterment of your surroundings but also connect with people and perspectives that enrich your own life. To make it even more fun, try inviting a friend or family member to join you in this new resolution. 

3. Embrace Gratitude Daily

Practicing gratitude daily can be a true eye-opener. It’s not about ignoring life’s challenges but acknowledging the good that exists alongside them. Whether it’s being thankful for a sunny day, a supportive friend, or simply the comfort of your home, recognizing these moments can shift your focus and brighten your outlook on life. A great way to stay accountable for this daily practice is to write down what you are thankful for in a journal. If you already journal daily, try adding a list of 3-5 things you are grateful for as a part of it.

4. Make 5 Minutes for Self-Care

Self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming or extravagant. In fact, just five minutes a day can make a significant difference. This could be a short meditation, a few stretches, or simply enjoying a moment of silence with your morning coffee. It’s about carving out a small pocket of time each day to just be with yourself, for yourself. These 5 minutes can be any time of day, the first 5 minutes of your day, the last or even in the middle of your day when you just need a break. You will be surprised by what this 5 minutes does for your mental health. 

5. Deepen Your Relationships

Finally, let’s talk about deepening relationships as one of our 5 game-changing New Year’s Resolutions. In our fast-paced, technology-based world, it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of real, meaningful connections. This year, why not make a resolution to truly connect with friends and family? This could mean having more in-depth conversations, spending quality time together, or simply being more present and attentive during your interactions. Call your mom and invite her to lunch, make an effort to have coffee with a friend once a month or plan an intentional date night with your spouse.

Campbell Teen and Family Therapy 

In conclusion, these resolutions aren’t about drastic changes or unattainable goals. They’re about enhancing the quality of your everyday life, one small step at a time. For those moments when you need a little extra help, guidance, or someone to talk to, Campbell Teen and Family Therapy is here for you. We’re dedicated to supporting individuals and families on their path to growth and well-being. Here’s to a year of better sleep, community spirit, gratitude, self-care, and meaningful connections, with Campbell Teen and Family Therapy by your side. Contact us here today to start a conversation!

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Recognizing and Coping with Holiday Triggers Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:57:35 +0000 The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many individuals it is a very different experience. The holiday season can be a period filled with stress, anxiety, and a range of emotions that  act as holiday triggers. Recognizing and coping with these triggers is crucial for maintaining...

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The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many individuals it is a very different experience. The holiday season can be a period filled with stress, anxiety, and a range of emotions that  act as holiday triggers. Recognizing and coping with these triggers is crucial for maintaining mental well-being and ensuring a positive holiday experience.

Understanding Holiday Triggers

Holiday triggers can manifest in various forms, stemming from a combination of personal, social, and cultural factors. Identifying these triggers is the first step towards managing them effectively. Some common holiday triggers include family dynamics, financial pressures, unrealistic expectations, and memories of past disappointments or losses. Acknowledging that these triggers exist and being mindful of their potential impact is essential for proactively addressing them.

Recognizing Family Dynamics

One prevalent source of holiday triggers is family dynamics. While spending time with loved ones can be fulfilling, it can also bring about tensions and conflicts. These conflicts especially arise when expectations don’t align. Recognize the potential for disagreements or unresolved issues and be prepared to navigate them with open communication. Establishing boundaries and setting realistic expectations can help mitigate the impact of family-related triggers during the holiday season.

Addressing Financial Pressures 

Financial strain is another common holiday trigger that can cast a shadow over the festive season. The pressure to buy gifts, host gatherings, and partake in various activities can lead to stress and anxiety. To cope with this trigger, create a realistic budget and stick to it. Consider alternatives like homemade gifts or experiences that don’t involve significant expenditures. Communicate openly with friends and family about financial constraints to reduce the burden and foster a more understanding environment.

Managing Unrealistic Expectations

The holiday season often comes with a set of societal expectations, from picture-perfect decorations to harmonious family gatherings. Unrealistic expectations can set the stage for disappointment and stress. Recognize that perfection is unattainable, and instead, focus on creating meaningful and realistic experiences. Embrace imperfections and prioritize what truly matters to you, rather than succumbing to external pressures.

Acknowledging Past Disappointments or Losses

For many, the holiday season serves as a reminder of past disappointments or losses, amplifying feelings of grief or loneliness. Recognize the validity of these emotions and allow yourself to grieve if needed. Consider creating new traditions or finding ways to honor and remember loved ones who are no longer present. Seeking support from friends, family, or professional counselors can provide a valuable outlet for processing these emotions.

Coping Strategies 

Once holiday triggers are recognized, it’s crucial to implement coping strategies to navigate them successfully. These strategies can include:


  1. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care by maintaining healthy routines, getting enough sleep, and incorporating activities that bring joy and relaxation.


  1. Open Communication: Foster open communication with friends and family. Express your needs, set boundaries, and share your feelings to create a supportive and understanding environment.


  1. Flexibility: Be flexible and adaptable in your approach to the holidays. Embrace the unpredictability of the season and focus on the positive aspects rather than fixating on things that didn’t go as planned.


  1. Mindfulness and Reflection: Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment and reflect on the true meaning of the holidays for you. This can help shift your focus away from triggers and towards gratitude and appreciation.

Campbell Teen and Family Therapy

As we embark on the holiday season, you are armed with strategies to recognize and cope with holiday triggers. It’s essential to remember that seeking professional support can be a valuable asset. Organizations like Campbell Teen and Family Therapy are dedicated to providing guidance in navigating the complexities of family dynamics. Furthermore they help with emotional challenges, and stressors that may arise during this time. By incorporating the principles of self-care, open communication, flexibility, and mindfulness professionals like those at Campbell Teen and Family Therapy help you recognize and cope with holiday triggers. Furthermore, Campbell Teen and Family Therapy can assist  individuals to foster a holiday experience that is joyous and emotionally enriching. As we celebrate the season, let us prioritize mental well-being and remember that help is readily available for those who may need it. Contact Campbell Teen and Family Therapy to better recognize and cope with holiday triggers.  

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Breathe Work with Bubbles: An Anxiety Hack Fri, 08 Dec 2023 21:21:03 +0000 Ingrid Higgins here, the brains and heart behind Campbell Teen and Family Therapy. Today, I’m letting you in on a little secret – a quirky yet seriously effective trick for taming anxiety. And guess what? It involves bubbles! Now, if you’ve dipped your toes into the therapy pool, you’ve probably been nudged to try out...

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Ingrid Higgins here, the brains and heart behind Campbell Teen and Family Therapy. Today, I’m letting you in on a little secret – a quirky yet seriously effective trick for taming anxiety. And guess what? It involves bubbles!

Now, if you’ve dipped your toes into the therapy pool, you’ve probably been nudged to try out those classic breathing exercises. You know, the deep belly-breathing kind. They’re fantastic, no doubt. They’re like a secret weapon that helps regulate your system and clears the mental fog when emotions are running wild. But, here’s the catch – they don’t always play nice, especially with our pals, Anxiety and Overthinking.

Ever notice how some folks, when told to take a deep breath, end up feeling even more wound up? It’s like, “Thanks for pointing out the tightness in my chest; now it’s all I can think about!” Been there. So, let me introduce you to my absolute favorite anxiety-buster – bubbles! Yep. I keep a trusty bottle of bubbles by my side because blowing bubbles is where the magic happens.

Picture this: instead of the usual therapist drill of “focus on your breath,” we switch things up and blow bubbles together. It’s like a mini celebration of fun and calmness rolled into one. Sometimes, I’ll throw in a challenge, like catching the bubbles or marveling at the colors.

What I love about this bubble-blowing technique is that it’s not just for kids. It works wonders for clients of all ages. It takes the pressure off the whole ‘breathing exercise’ thing and turns it into a playful, enjoyable experience.

So, if you’re battling anxiety and those traditional breathing exercises are leaving you feeling more frazzled than zen, why not give bubble blowing a shot? It’s like a breath of fresh air for your mind – a little moment of joy that might just do the trick. Remember, therapy doesn’t always have to be about serious faces and deep discussions. Sometimes, all you need is a bit of bubble magic to make things brighter. Trust me on this one!

Watch the full video above to hear me talk through how and when the bubble blowing technique can be effective for anxiety and panic control!

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Can Teens Be Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder? Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:29:11 +0000   In our years of practice, the question has come up often from parents and teens, can a teen have borderline personality disorder (BPD)?   In my experience I have had several teens who have looked up the criteria for BPD and self-diagnosed.  I always take them seriously and go through what they found out with...

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In our years of practice, the question has come up often from parents and teens, can a teen have borderline personality disorder (BPD)?   In my experience I have had several teens who have looked up the criteria for BPD and self-diagnosed.  I always take them seriously and go through what they found out with them to see if this diagnosis fits, knowing that a teen has to be 18 years old to receive a diagnosis of BPD.  This leaves to question, can the symptoms start prior to the age of 18?  Is there a way to prevent BPD from forming?

As these questions were formulating in my head, I found out that one of my friends and colleagues, Jennifer Costanza, had just written a book on BPD!  So we sat down together to discuss her recently published book titled “Finding Solid Ground.” The conversation delves into the essence of the book, its target audience, the common misconceptions surrounding BPD, and the importance of compassion and empathy in understanding and treating this complex disorder.  I thought this resource could be helpful to the families we treat at Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc.  who maybe be wondering if their teen has the disorder, or affected by a family member who has the diagnosis.

Following is a summary of our interview and you can watch the YouTube video to see the entire interview.  My goal is to help parents and teens understand what it means to be BPD and to have some resources from a trusted source!

Overview of “Finding Solid Ground”

Jennifer explains that the book is tailored for both individuals with BPD and their loved ones. Costanza describes BPD as an aspect of a person’s personality, often misunderstood due to the surrounding stigma. BPD entails emotional dysregulation, making relationships challenging, with a prevalent fear of abandonment or rejection. The book aims to enhance understanding of the disorder, offering practical tools and guidance for seeking treatment, support, and encouragement amidst the challenges associated with BPD.

Can Teens be Diagnosed with BPD?

Costanza addresses the possibility of diagnosing BPD in teens, suggesting that a formal diagnosis typically occurs after the age of 18. However, she acknowledges that teenagers may still grapple with symptoms, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between normal teenage mood swings and a formal personality disorder diagnosis.

Common Misconceptions about BPD

The interview touches on the misconceptions surrounding BPD, one being the belief that it is untreatable. Costanza counters this notion, highlighting therapeutic modalities such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as effective approaches to managing BPD.

The Inspiration Behind the Book

Costanza shares her motivation for writing the book, expressing a desire to debunk the stigma associated with BPD. She emphasizes the importance of approaching the topic with compassion and empathy, recognizing the deep emotional struggles that individuals with BPD often face, rooted in trauma.

Future Projects

Looking ahead, Costanza discusses her upcoming book on the fear of failure, acknowledging the pervasive pressure, especially among teenagers in high-stakes environments. She hopes that this new project will resonate with those grappling with the fear of failure and inspire them to overcome it.

“Finding Solid Ground” emerges as a resourceful guide not only for those directly affected by BPD but also for their parents, children, partners, co-workers, and anyone seeking to better understand and support individuals navigating this complex disorder.



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Using Social Media to Promote Mental Health Awareness Tue, 21 Nov 2023 03:06:14 +0000 In a heartfelt video, Ingrid Higgins, LMFT, CEO and Founder of Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. shares her newfound inspiration after attending a training session on social media and therapy. In this blog post, we will delve into Ingrid’s motivation for embracing social media as a tool for reaching out to those in need...

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In a heartfelt video, Ingrid Higgins, LMFT, CEO and Founder of Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. shares her newfound inspiration after attending a training session on social media and therapy. In this blog post, we will delve into Ingrid’s motivation for embracing social media as a tool for reaching out to those in need of mental health support and how to make it more accessible while decreasing the stigma that can be associated with mental illness and providing accurate and up to date information about mental health on social media platforms such as Tiktok, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.

Ingrid’s Purpose:

Initially unsure about her reasons for venturing into the world of social media, Ingrid reflects on the question posed by Matthias J. Barker: “Why do you want to do this?” After careful consideration, she realizes that her primary goal is to let people know that help is available. No one should have to suffer in silence.  Whether individuals are struggling with trauma responses, anxiety and depression, eating disorders or any other mental health challenges affecting teenagers or families, Ingrid wants them to be aware that Therapy is there for them.  Since the pandemic, Telehealth has make therapy available to anyone who has access to WiFi.

The Importance of Accessibility:

Ingrid emphasizes the significance of being accessible when it comes to mental health services. She recounts receiving numerous calls from individuals who have been desperately seeking help but were unable to find an available therapist. By utilizing social media platforms effectively, she aims not only to inform people about their services but also ensure they know there are openings at Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc.

Becoming a Social Media Advocate:

Inspired by the idea of connecting to teens who are already searching for answers on social media and driven by her desire for increased visibility in order to reach more people in need, Ingrid decided she will become an active participant on social media platforms. However, she clarifies that her intention is not necessarily becoming an influencer but rather sharing relevant content regularly with followers so they can stay informed about mental illness.  If teens are looking to TikTok to find answers or self-diagnose she wants to help by ensuring that there is factual content available.

Engaging with the Audience:

Recognizing that engaging with their audience is crucial in creating meaningful connections online, Ingrid invites viewers to provide suggestions for content they would like to see. As a newcomer to social media, she values input from the community and hopes that their ideas will help shape the topics discussed in future posts.


Ingrid Higgins’ decision to embrace social media as a means of promoting mental health awareness is driven by her desire to let people know that help is available at Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. By utilizing various platforms, Ingrid aims to reach individuals struggling with mental health challenges, ensuring they are aware of the services provided and the availability of openings. Through regular posting on social media, she hopes to create an online presence that informs and supports those in need. Ingrid’s commitment to engaging with her audience demonstrates her dedication towards building connections and providing valuable resources through these digital channels.

If you have any suggestions or topics, you’d like Campbell Teen and Family Therapy to address on their social media platforms, don’t hesitate to reach out! Let’s work together in spreading awareness about mental health support.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post!

The post Using Social Media to Promote Mental Health Awareness appeared first on Campbell Teen & Family Therapy.

10 Things Teens Should Know Before 18 Thu, 02 Nov 2023 00:09:51 +0000 The teenage years are a period of rapid growth and transformation. As adolescents approach the age of 18 and prepare to take their first steps into adulthood, there’s a wealth of life skills and knowledge areas that can make this transition smoother and more successful. These skills are not only practical but also empower teens...

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The teenage years are a period of rapid growth and transformation. As adolescents approach the age of 18 and prepare to take their first steps into adulthood, there’s a wealth of life skills and knowledge areas that can make this transition smoother and more successful. These skills are not only practical but also empower teens to be more independent, responsible, and confident in their decision-making. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 10 things teens should know before 18. These skills span various aspects of life, from time management to understanding legal rights, all of which are essential building blocks for a fulfilling and thriving adulthood.

1. Time Management

Time is a precious resource, and effective time management is a skill that can make a world of difference. Teens should learn how to prioritize tasks, set goals, and create schedules. Managing time efficiently can help them excel in their academic pursuits and maintain a balanced personal life.

2. Effective Communication

Clear and empathetic communication is the bedrock of healthy relationships and conflict resolution. Teens should develop strong communication skills, including active listening, expressing their thoughts and feelings, and resolving conflicts in a constructive manner. Effective communication can help them build strong bonds with family, friends, and colleagues.

3. Cooking and Nutrition

The ability to prepare simple, nutritious meals is not just a life skill; it’s a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Teens should learn the basics of cooking and understand nutrition to make informed food choices. This knowledge ensures they can maintain their well-being by making healthier eating choices, even on a tight budget.

4. Financial Literacy

Understanding finances is essential as teens transition to financial independence. Learning about budgeting, saving, and credit management is key. They should also grasp the fundamentals of taxes and the responsibilities that come with financial independence. Financial literacy empowers them to make informed financial decisions.

5. Independence and Self-Care

Being able to take care of oneself is a fundamental part of growing up. Teens should learn essential life skills such as doing laundry, cleaning, and basic home maintenance. These skills prepare them for the responsibilities of living independently and maintaining their living space.

6. Career Exploration

The journey toward adulthood often includes decisions about education and career paths. It’s crucial for teens to explore potential career options and educational opportunities. By understanding their interests, strengths, and passions, they can make more informed decisions about their future.

7. Problem-Solving

Life is full of challenges, both big and small. Teens should develop strong problem-solving skills that allow them to tackle these challenges with confidence and resilience. This ability helps them overcome obstacles and make decisions with a sense of empowerment.

8. Responsibility and Accountability

As teens mature into young adults, it’s essential for them to understand the concept of responsibility and accountability. They should know that their choices have consequences and be prepared to take ownership of their actions and decisions.

9. Personal Values and Beliefs

As teens form their identities, it’s important for them to reflect on their personal values, beliefs, and principles. This self-reflection helps them make ethical decisions and navigate the complexities of the adult world while staying true to their core values.

10. Understanding Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Reaching adulthood comes with a set of legal rights and responsibilities. Teens should be aware of these aspects, including their right to vote, potential jury duty, and obligations related to contracts and legal matters. This understanding empowers them to navigate the legal aspects of adulthood confidently.

Campbell Teen Therapy 

The teenage years are a time of growth, exploration, and self-discovery. Equipping teens with these 10 Things Teens Should Know Before 18 is an investment in their future success and happiness. As they approach their 18th birthday and the threshold of adulthood, they’ll do so with the confidence and readiness to face the world as responsible and capable individuals. These skills are not only practical but also empower them to make informed decisions, build healthy relationships, and thrive in their journey toward adulthood.

At Campbell Teen & Family Therapy, Inc. we are experts in helping teens and their families! With our specialty on adolescents, we are competent at not just helping your teen with the difficult challenges they face, but also with helping parents know what to do, when to back off, when to draw the line and to just know they aren’t alone. If you think your teen may need some help in transitioning into adulthood, call now (408) 628-0532 or visit our site to schedule an assessment to see if therapy is right for your teen, we are happy to help and believe that raising a teen takes a village! 

The post 10 Things Teens Should Know Before 18 appeared first on Campbell Teen & Family Therapy.
